May 28, 2020
11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Today’s call will be fun and engaging, as well as an opportunity for your to learn about a new way to engage and interact with others during virtual calls. Please join us!
Reminders about today’s call:
- For security purposes, to access the call, you must have an active Zoom account.
- It will work better to access the call from a computer so you can fully participate.
- Phone-in callers will still be able to hear, but may not have access all the activities that are planned.
- Log-in to your account using your user name and password
- Click this link: https://utexas.zoom.us/j/95082114872 to join the 4ABHN meeting.
- You may be briefly placed in a “waiting room” until the host allows your access
Getting tired of the long, typical virtual calls? Are you looking for creative ways to engage others when offering virtual individual/group therapy or hosting a meeting?
Please join us for a fun, interactive session being hosted by Annelese Jones, Program Director with the Amala Foundation. Join us as she walks us through an innovative tool while learning more about your 4ABHN colleagues and how they’ve been managing life during the COVID-19 crisis.
Participants will need to download the Zoom app; access from a computer is recommended in order to fully participate in the activities.
Questions? Feel free to contact me by replying to this email. We hope you can join us!
Vicky Coffee | Hogg Foundation for Mental Health
vicky.coffee@austin.utexas.edu | 512-475-7057
TheAustin Area African American Behavioral Health Network meets regularly to participate in dialogue with behavioral health professionals, peers, individuals with lived experience, family members, and others interested in the mental well-being of African Americans.